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This light-weight carbon rowing boat, type D12, has a take-off weight of approximately 800 kilograms, which will include the crew, the food for 60 days, and the safety equipment. It has the ability to capsize, meaning that in the event of overturning, the boat will right itself.

Our boat also has a navigationsystem, an autopilot option, radio, lithium batteries, solar panels and a water purification system.




Currently, our boat is the ultimate blank canvas – a floating billboard that will be  seen around the world!
The World’s Toughest Row offers sponsors the incredible opportunity increase their brand awareness on both a national and international level, while supporting an adventure of a lifetime.



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Net weight: 200 Kg


Our boat is designed by THE OCEAN ROWING COMPANY in Wassenaar (NL) with Mark Slats (two-time world record holder Atlantic crossing 2017 solo, 2020 pair) developed and built.

During our visit to Wassenaar, in June 2023, we were allowed to take a hand in the production of the carbon windows.

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